Grade 2 Students Love Math
Grade 2 Students Love Math – Inspiring Story
In order to gain a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, students need to engage with the material in a variety of ways. Please take a look at some
of the ways grade 2 students have been developing their number sense so far this year.
Grade 2 students worked together to create a humungous hundreds chart!
This learning activity gave students the opportunity to look at different patterns on the hundreds chart, practice skip counting, and discuss place value. It is
important for students to have concrete experiences in math class. Grade 2 students built their own groups of tens and ones, using objects such as
centimetre cubes, counters, straws, and popsicle sticks.
Playing games is an important and valuable part of math class. Math games, such as this game about comparing numbers, give students the chance to
practice a skill and discuss their thinking with a partner. In this game, students each rolled a die and compared their numbers. They practiced writing
the symbols for greater than, less than, and equal to. Playing games is an important and valuable part of math class. Math games, such as this game
about even and odd numbers, give students the chance to practice a skill and discuss their thinking with a partner.
practice a skill and discuss their thinking with a partner. In this game, students each rolled a die and compared their numbers. They practiced writing
the symbols for greater than, less than, and equal to. Playing games is an important and valuable part of math class. Math games, such as this game
about even and odd numbers, give students the chance to practice a skill and discuss their thinking with a partner.